pic of my sister Maria and my friend devyn
Renton is a place that my youth group is gong to change with the hand of God
this picture in my opinion has many meanings to it. Like most of my pictures they all relate to our walk with God and stuff like that. I took this pic for my youth group ( Branded By Fire) what it means to me is this youth group will work for the harvest and we will work hard!
This picture is a picture of devyn walking on another log this one reminds me of our walk with the Lord.
out of all my pictures that I have taken this picture is one of my favorites because it just shows the beauty of Gods creation!

This is just a random picture of flowers:)
Hi Kiran,
I'm one of Dana's sister-n-law's (Joel's oldest sister)- Sheri. (I saw your comment on Dana's recent blog).
Just wanted to encourage you with your photography also - I love the pictures you've posted - you have such great creativity!
Also, your heart to serve God is so evident - you go girl :-)
I have been a youth leader in my recent past - (your youth Pastor Anna also knows who I am) - & love to encourage youth to do all that is in their heart in following Him.
God bless you!
Sheri Horton
Hey Kcow!! I think you blog is just amazing!! It is awsomely awsome, just like you!! Love you!!
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