Friday, February 22, 2008

Letting Go, and Letting God!




Letting go of things that seem so important in you life at moments isn’t benefiting you in any way shape or form if it ain’t from God!
Ipods, cell phones, digital cameras, friends, TV, music and so much more! Those are just few from many things in the world that people cling on to and never let them go. It may seem silly to say; but those simple things that seem so little and so cool, may just be the corruption in your life! I got this saying on the known wide…..INTERNET which is another topic of some people having to let go but I think this saying just says so much and even though you don’t want to hear it, it is healthy for your spiritual and emotional life! In most people’s life the main problem is friendship like all people say who your friends are………… who you are! From the book of Psalms it says as iron sharpens iron so one sharpens the other! A friend that encourages you and you encourage them with the word and your friendship is strong in the Lord that is true friendship If you, have a friend that comes to you just to feed off of gossip then next thing you know you are doing it, or if a friend doesn’t respect you like a friend than you need to let go of that friendship before it corrupts your life. Other than friendship there comes electronics and money! Those things may be ruling your life rather than God! There is so much destruction in these worldly things that only last a season in life, words cannot explain! Letting things go in life that may seem they need to be there but are not benefiting you spiritually or in a godly way LET IT GO! And let God take control! When God takes control of your life, your life is His and He will love you like no one has ever loved ya!

- Kiran

Monday, February 18, 2008


…….What kind of sheep are you?? What’s the first thing that comes to mind?? A color of a type of sheep, or really a type of sheep??!!

Well that’s really not anywhere close to what I am going to talk about………..

I don’t know if many of you know the saying if somebody says “you are a sheep”! Well if you guys have studied about sheep’s they always stay in a group and follow each other. In a form were someone says “you are a sheep”, in other terms you are a follower of that person(s). The question I want to ask is what kind of sheep are you, a sheep of God or a sheep of the world. A, sheep of God who follows after, Him, and hungers and thirsts for His word and spirit, will never be in darkness or be alone. On thee other hand, were you are a sheep of the world, following its ways and never getting anywhere except a deep dark pit, and labels that have been put on you, that aren’t even true, is were you will get. You, may find yourself trying to get out of that pit, by all your strength, but the truth is you will never get out of that pit, even if you try your very best, thee only way you will be able to get out of that pit is by the name of JESUS! There is power and glory, and healing in that beautiful, awesome and great name. If you call on the name of Jesus, You will be out of that pit and following the shepherd that will protect you day and night from any harm and dark pits you might fall into. Jesus will love you like no other will cherish you like a daughter or son; He will be a father like you have never had before. Jesus is thee best shepherd anybody can have!

P.S. sorry for those who have noticed I have not written on my blog for a long time ……..dearest apologizes from me. I will try my best to write occasionally.

Friday, February 15, 2008

February a month of prayer!

This month has been a month of prayer; fasting, intercession, and a definite faith build up! As all of you guys know, Pastor Amy has gone home to her Father Jesus! And all of our prayers for her healing have been answered 100%. We all were praying like we have never prayed before, this moment in life changed my prayer life like never before. Even though Pastor Amy was down south, in Louisiana and I am up in Washington, I prayed in my prayer closet like no other. There were tears, laughter, and joy. Like I said all our prayers got answered, we all prayed for an amazing healing in Pastor Amy Stockstills life, and it happened, AMEN! She has gone home and has a new body, praising the same amazing, great God we serve!

Praying to our heavenly God is amazing! There is so much strength, peace, love, joy, and change in prayer! Just like Pastor Bob, says ministry is spelt W.O.R.K! This month has been such a stretch, so many events so many things to do and so many prayers that have been answered and are still getting answered! Sorry this post on my blog is unorganized I just have to show my appreciation for such a Great God we have. My awesome youth pastor whose name is Pastor Anna Johnson, got this sayin, and goes when we praise our Big God, we have a little devil, but if we praise some little god (that is rubbish) then you, got a big devil! And that is such a powerful saying! We praise a true and LIVING God. We praise an awesome God who loves us like no other person, and knows us better than we know ourselves. That just sunk in my spirit so much this past week and has made me bolder for the Lord. God has just encouraged me through his word. On February 13th, we had youth group at my church there were a few people that spoke on love from youth, and one of them was my sister Anam! They all were so great; it just motivated me in such a way. We all have heard John 3: 16 I hope, but that verse is so strong that our greatest valentine is Jesus and He loves us like nobody will ever love us, He is a jealous God and its not in a bad way its in a way were He wants to love us with so much love! Again sorry this blog has so many subjects! But I hope that all you guys know that our God is a God of purity and LOVE!

- Kiran