Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We all know the person who created us, who knew us before we were in our mothers womb. Jesus!! And if we know that God knew us before we knew ourselves, before we were even born, than would He not have a plan and purpose for you here on earth??
Of course He does. God knows you better than you! He loves, adores, protects and longs for your worship and commitment toward Him.
Our God is a mighty God a God who rules everything who knows everyone and can do anything and yet loves me and YOU!
God has a divine, unique, one of a kind, purpose for you! You were made by GOD!! How cool is that?!
We did not come from apes, from stars or whatever else you have been told by your science teachers we have been made by the almighty GOD!
This God loves you cares for you and is there with you even when you think He is not. He protects you gives you ever single breath you breath and provides you with things you need to be provided with. And even when you don't know what you need to be provided with God gives it to you because He knows you better than you know yourself.
So I am here to say that God loves you be encouraged today! You are not here on accident and don't think you don't have a purpose on this earth. God knows YOU! Call on His name and He Will tell you what is needed to be done and what will be your Purpose, your calling!! And if you don't get an immediate answer just keep pressing on and doing Gods work God will tell you at the perfect time.
Love you Guys

Monday, December 8, 2008

I am a Zealot

Zeal: Enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in its furtherance.

This past week This word; Zeal just kept coming up and God was talking to me about this word and how Zeal is a big part in Every radical Christians life. Zeal, enthusiastic devotion to a cause in this case its not a cause, nor a thing it is our God almighty. We are Zealots for God a zealot is a person who is fanatically committed.

We give God our all. Our Heart, Mind and Soul. When we are committed to God fanatically, enthusiastically, and passionately, our callings get stronger, louder, and we get more bold. A zeal after God, gives us gifts of the spirit we have never had before and intimate meets with God we have never experienced. The last couple of weeks I have just have been in my word like crazy and wanting more and more of God and its not going to stop there, but God has made it more and more clear in what he wants me to do and what i need to lay down.
Ideal, or goal and tireless diligence, chasing after something, not ever tired, wanting to go all out, and reaching a goal. That is our Christian walk we Chase after God every day, we should never become tired of what we do for God because faith without deeds is dead. I encourage and urge all you guys that read this don't be afraid to step out and be bold for Jesus; don't be afraid to become zealots for Jesus. Don't ever think your ways are right cause they never are, lay down the things that need to be laid down and become fanatically committed to Jesus. Become Fanatically committed to God. Having this zeal for God means preaching the word, talking to that person at work or school about Jesus it is our responsibility to GO and share Gods word with zeal. Don't think you don't have a purpose, don't think you were placed here on accident and don't ever question life cause no matter who you are, and where you came God has a purpose for you and LOVES you with such a deep love. So step out no matter how little that step is no one may see, what you have done for God but God knows and truly thats all that matters. So become a zealot for Jesus and watch how God works in your life


Saturday, July 12, 2008


All of us know the feeling of being thirsty and wanting to quench that thirst away. Something that will fulfill our need. Something that will satisfy us ....for a little bit.

Say, you are running a intense race and fighting a battle, all at the same time. You have no time for stopping cause if you do you will be trampled and fall over. In the beginning you were totally satisfied because you were prepared but now you don't know, that what is yet to come. You run faster then slower then faster and begin to become thirsty. The only way to satisfy that thirst is to pray and begin to quote scriptures, but for some reason you are in the middle of the race and don't want are thirsty but don't want the water.

Well I am hear to tell you that this intense race and battle that you are fighting, is no fake its rather so real its effecting everything about you! This intense race and battle, is our Daily Christian walk or shall I say run. As Christians and our run we all at first have this boost of energy and sooner we begin to fight temptations, and the devil, and will begin to experience things that will make us spiritually thirsty. Once we begin to fight and run we continually need to be praying and reading the word DAILY because that devil is at you daily, those temptations come daily you need to have water for that thirst. Now, in this generation Christians believe to be Christians because they have said the salvation prayer once in their whole life time, and after that prayer never have they picked up that dusty Book laying on their shelf called the Bible and never prayed. Well I am hear to tell you that ALL Christians need to daily be in the Word of God and pray and meet with God. You can't stop in this race or battle if you do bondages, and Discouragement will come. Don't STOP!

I am hear to say that their is water, where you will never become thirsty again and there is a true living God that will never leave you. His name is Jesus. I pray that this post is just not another post that you read and words you see. I pray the Holy Spirit begins to speak to you about those aspects in your life and those things you need to break off in order for you to run faster. I pray that you will experience God like you have never experienced Him.

Guys I believe this generation wants satisfaction, and wants to quench thier thirst in order for them to quench that thirst and be satisfied is to get out their and share our Faith and pray and intercede for this generation

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today in this generation Media has a huge impact on our youth..from world news (Crazy!) to just sitting in bed listening to some trash and calling it COOOOOOL. Can i get a witness???

Music; i can go hours saying all the destruction and the continuous destruction music is doing to the young youth of this generation. From rap to metal to rock to even as people so call it "Christian Music"...... we have grown up in a generation where music is our world. Music in my opinion has one the biggest impacts on young people. From hearing it in schools; on the radio to even owning it. If it is not Godly and all your listening to is rubbish.....turn it off and throw it out!! God doesn't care if the artist has been Christian all his or her life and still throws just a FEW swear words in their songs.....if it ain't ain't God!! Let me tell you something when something, like unhealthy music gets planted in your life it is like a time bomb it will explode and manifest!! Even the so called "Christian" Artists; and some of the music they make is not God centered at all it is plain seculiar!! We really have to be alert in what we listen to. Please guys do guard your ears, hearts, and minds!

Alright.......not only is the music in our generation corruptive but everything else media has made.......Myspace (Delete), TV!!!!!; to even the so called appropriate movies!! Even the little kids cartoons has some plain old nasty junk!!!!! Like i said it says in the Word of God guard your eyes, heart, and Minds!!! I encourage you guys if your TV is giving you problems turn it off and keep it off, if your computer is giving you problems throw it out, if your CD's and even your Radios are filling you up with the trash throw them out!! We need to be sanctified, and pure! We need to grow in maturity and follow Jesus. We need to have a boundaries, and discernment!


Sunday, April 27, 2008


From abortions to gay marriages being OKAY; to killing, to stealing, to divorce and I can go on and on and on and on and on. But my point that I am gettin to, is what has our Generation and nation become?? Ponder that real quick. 2008; a year of change not only in a Godly way for Christians but truth be told for many young and old that are in the world and not with Christ. A change is about to happen that will turn there lives upside down and keep it upside down, if they don’t get JESUS. As US.....CHRISTIANS we need to be aware and always ready. This is a moment in life, in our Generation were we be not to sit on our couch with a bag of Cheeto's and a diet coke to make it all better. This is a time were Christians need to stand up and GO! We need to GO. We need to GO. We need to GO! As many of you know last Friday was the day of silence.......... that day were our generation was wondering is there a God, who am I, and why do I need life?? That day was a day that all Christians should have been in prayer and out on the streets if not in schools preaching to the young people about Christ! Our Generation, my Friends is in DANGER! In Joel 2 it talks about the army of God and my friends let me say this and this will most definitely not be my last time saying this; but guess what?? .....WE ARE THE ARMY OF GOD and we need to take a stand NOW! And I am not only talking about people of this world but I am talking about Christians in Churches, this Generation is so corrupt Christians don’t even know what Christianity is! And Leaders in Churches don’t know what being a Leader and following Gods way is! My friends; Dear Lord we need to take a stand and SHOUT His word to the people of this world! I am praying so hard right now while writing this, my hands our shaking! So I went on to and I looked up the meaning of "Stand" there are so many good meanings but here are a few:

  1. To be in an upright position on the feet.
  2. To rise to one's feet
  3. To stop or remain motionless or steady on the feet
  4. To remain firm or steadfast
  5. To face or encounter

There were so many more meanings to just a simple word as “Stand” but one of the meanings that stood out to me and really amazed me was number six ( to face or encounter). That is so true when we take a stand for Jesus and our Generation we are going to face hardships, persecution, and we are going to get humiliated but even though it will be hard here we will have our award in Heaven. We are going to face the loss of Friends but yet we are going to encounter God, our Best friend like never before. I encourage young and old not only today, and this week but the rest of your life here on earth take a stand for Jesus. Because once you start telling people about will turn there lives upside down.....and right side up!

Friday, March 14, 2008

words......words.......and more words

There are so many words that are in our world, and so many languages, so many quotes, and so many words that can change someone’s life in a great way, or crush someone’s life just from one word. There words that can lift someone up and make their day; words that can change their life in a good way. Words such as you are so smart, nice, sweet, you are a blessing and so many more words those are a few from so many that encourage people and mean so much to people. In my own experience when someone tells me something nice to me I feel great, I feel like I have made a difference. On the other hand there are words that can crush, and ruins someone’s life in one word. Words such as you’re fat, ugly, stupid, or phrases such as go away, you don’t belong here, you aren’t cool enough, I hate you! Those words can crush someone’s heart instantly with one word such as fat especially to girls it can really change your life and change your perspective of yourself; changes such as eating disorders or even worst suicide. Phrases such as your stupid, ugly or you don’t belong here. Will tier someone up in seconds. I am getting teary eyed while writing this because this blog goes to so many people; people that don’t even need those words, especially so many young people that are getting torn up on the inside. So many young people think it is so funny and cool to say swear words and horrible things to their peers. It not only hurts the person that’s getting horrible words thrown, at them but it hurts the one saying it to them. Words; think about them this week. Think about what you are saying to your friends, peers and even your own PARENTS.-Kiran

Friday, February 22, 2008

Letting Go, and Letting God!




Letting go of things that seem so important in you life at moments isn’t benefiting you in any way shape or form if it ain’t from God!
Ipods, cell phones, digital cameras, friends, TV, music and so much more! Those are just few from many things in the world that people cling on to and never let them go. It may seem silly to say; but those simple things that seem so little and so cool, may just be the corruption in your life! I got this saying on the known wide…..INTERNET which is another topic of some people having to let go but I think this saying just says so much and even though you don’t want to hear it, it is healthy for your spiritual and emotional life! In most people’s life the main problem is friendship like all people say who your friends are………… who you are! From the book of Psalms it says as iron sharpens iron so one sharpens the other! A friend that encourages you and you encourage them with the word and your friendship is strong in the Lord that is true friendship If you, have a friend that comes to you just to feed off of gossip then next thing you know you are doing it, or if a friend doesn’t respect you like a friend than you need to let go of that friendship before it corrupts your life. Other than friendship there comes electronics and money! Those things may be ruling your life rather than God! There is so much destruction in these worldly things that only last a season in life, words cannot explain! Letting things go in life that may seem they need to be there but are not benefiting you spiritually or in a godly way LET IT GO! And let God take control! When God takes control of your life, your life is His and He will love you like no one has ever loved ya!

- Kiran